more abuse + fake apologies

Another instance of abuse by Nalia involved her inciting Sylvester to commit suicide and threatening him with death. He tried one last time to end the relationship peacefully.

It didn’t work. Nalia ultimately ridiculed him and his friends, then started blackmailing and persecuting them.

All of her allegations are lies. Yes, her toxic behavior was recorded, but there are no NSFW gifs of her. She is the one who is obsessed and tries to convince her victims otherwise. It’s obvious that the victims know her accounts because she harassed them from multiple accounts. She contacted them in every possible way to slander them and reverse the situation, making it seem like they were the ones harassing her.

She was the one who, against the will of other people, undressed in a video chat, including in front of a minor. This was recorded so it could be reported to the police.

Sylwester has not published a photo of his face anywhere at this time. He has only shown it privately to his friends. Nalia, on the other hand, publicly shows her face on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Reddit. She is the one who uses other people's PRIVATE photos without their permission. 

It was not her victims but she who posted photos of her former friends on sites and groups and refuses to disclose the names of those places. She doesn't even want to remove her false, toxic posts.

Despite her conversations on voice chat with Sylwester and Iza at the same time, Nalia tries to convince them that they are one person in order to undermine Sylwester's support and to frame the help of his friends as his own defense and denial of his sensitivity and lack of assertiveness.

Additionally, she convinces other people that they have disorders such as psychosis and claims that they 'don’t deserve to live.'

She then sent an ironic, fake apology to her victims:

And then, from another one of her accounts, she wrote a sick, disgusting text, threatening to use the data of the most sensitive victim

She also posted part of this text on Reddit, titled "Message to Monsterboo" (Monsterboo is Sylwester's nickname on YouTube). It was originally recorded in Polish by her personally, and the threats are clearly audible.ść_do_monsterboo/

She constantly publicly abuses Iza and Sylwester, falsely accuses them of lying or being obsessed with her, and spreads falsehoods about them. She incites them to commit suicide or threatens to kill them with or without her friends.

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