(Another) manipulavite apologies, contact with lawyer.

Nalia only wants to write with others when she feels like it - not when she's threatening and her victims are trying to explain it, because then  prefers to mock and harass them.

Previous attempts to explain the toxic situation to her have failed. Nalia didn't respond to the request to stop the harassment, instead she posted a threatening video. Now she's trying to lie that her victims cannot talk normally.

She wrote another crazy wall of text in which she supposedly apologizes but still continues to abuse.

Here is another example of lies and manipulation. She extracted undeserved apologies from one of the victims and then deleted her own Facebook account. No, it’s too late for apologies. And someone who compares victims to people like Hi...ler has such distorted thinking that they should not be using the internet without supervision. Additionally, she tries to force her victims to remove themselves from the internet and, as usual, accuses them of having mental disorders.

Someone write to her "kys wh...re" in response to her own threats about KILLING her victim (her victim was in a very bad mental state at that time) which she posts PUBLICLY on Reddit, using his name on youtube, exposing him to attacks from outsiders and now she cunningly manipulates the message out of context, pretending to be the victim of an incitement to suicide. Really? Does it hurt you to hear stupid "kys" from private message in response to a PUBLIC VIDEO where you THREATEN YOUR VICTIM THAT YOU'LL KILL THEM?
You are the one who incited the suicide. Every action you take causes a reaction. If you see how it hurts, why do you torment innocent people in this way? When they try to defend themselves against your toxic behavior, you take the message out of context and play the victim.

Your manipulation knows no bounds. You do everything to stress and destroy sensitive people. 

You're angry that I'm warning people about you, but you destroy them, manipulate them. You exploit their confessions, traumas, photos. I have no reason to consider you a safe person who can function in social life. You pose a threat to yourself and others. There's a lot of toxicity on the internet, but that doesn't mean we should allow it. I'm reacting because I don't want more innocent people to suffer.


A lawyer contacted Nalia, representing the aggrieved person, ordering Nalia to stop harassing and remove the toxic content. However, Nalia is ignoring the lawyer, lying, and posting mocking videos about her victim on TikTok, accusing her victim of what she herself has been doing to him for a long time. She suggests that the lawyer is fake, even though the lawyer has proven their authenticity and legality. What’s more, she even pinned this video and is proud of her manipulation. Nalia continues to harass and shows no intention of stopping her actions.


In the previous message on messenger, it's clearly visible that Nalia is the one connecting various, random people from the Internet with her victim, which only goes to show how strong her obsession and delusions are. 

This video is also saved as evidence. The comments too—if they are deleted, I will post a screenshot here.

EDIT: Of course, the comments were quickly deleted. What's more - she blocked the accounts so that no one could tell the truth about her.

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