victims' confessions

Nalia herself came to YouTube channel asking for contact. I used to manage this channel and thought, since she was interested in getting to know me, why not let her? However, she had abused my trust. I told her about a conflict with my former friend, and because of that, Nalia caused legal issues for me by sending threats to that former friend without my knowleage. Only I was reported to the police because Nalia lived abroad. When I realized Nalia was threatening Klaudia, I instructed her to admit she was doing it of her own accord and to stop immediately, as it was being claimed that I had encouraged her against Klaudia. In the meantime, I also messaged Nalia's friend, asking him to stop aiding her in her crimes, and after that, he seemed to withdraw because I didn’t see any more comments from him. The entire situation was eventually clarified in my favor, but Nalia never faced any consequences for her actions. I removed her from my friends list on Discord in 2021 because I feared further problems. Now she lies, claiming I am some sort of transphobe, but it’s she who uses her feminine identity to justify homophobia and hatred towards men. She believes that, as a woman wanting to destroy men, she is strong and iconic, inspired by female murderers like Yuka Takaoka or Jodie Arias. Her warped view of ‘girl power’ isn’t about fighting for rights but rather a form of feminism akin to extremism. She even idolizes a Polish fugitive criminal. Maybe I’m wrong, but in my opinion, this isn’t about gender identity but rather some kind of psychological disorder. I don’t condone her harmful behavior or agree with her; I’ve noticed she is fueled by these toxic fascinations with female murderers. It’s one-sided tolerance where I’m expected to tolerate whatever she desires, yet she cannot tolerate my opinions. Nalia used to be a child who liked 'Five Nights at Freddy’s' and silly cartoons, but suddenly she changed into this toxic Nalia. In my last message to her, I pointed this out because I was moved by her sending crazy things about cohabiting with corpses. Then I blocked her, and she unleashed her anger on Sylwester because I confronted her. That forced me to respond, but only to protect others from her attacks. I apologized for my harsh tone in my message, although that was also a form of violence because I feel her attacks forced me to apologize. I explained what I meant—that she simply behaves toxically, and no one wants contact with someone like that. However, she doesn’t care; she only wants to harass others and create drama.

P.S. She also made a song about me on SoundCloud where she sang my confidential information, my full name and address, and claimed I liked Hitler when she herself is obsessed with him. A photo of my former friend was also included there.

- Magda

Yeah, currently, I’ve become her main target, probably because she prefers to target individuals whom she can psychologically destroy more easily, for example, those with anxiety disorders.

Since 2021, she has been stalking me everywhere on the Internet. In direct interactions, she quickly began to abuse me, such as using and manipulating my messages. She expected approval for sick things like Nazism, copyright issues, or necrophilia. She defamed me to her friends, accused me of her failed relationships, and had an obsession—seeing me in every negative comment about her on the internet. She also encouraged financial transfers.

When I received threats on YouTube in her style, she tried to convince me that it was Iza (my friend) who was behind it. Later, she suggested it was my another friend writing this simply because he openly dislikes her, as he has had to take care of me many times when I was in a bad state due to her. Other toxic actions include justifying everything with dissociative identity disorder (which was most likely fabricated for diagnosis, as suggested by her own statements), blocking in anger after venting (e.g., writing a toxic wall of text full of insults), followed immediately by threats on YouTube and emails, convincing herself and her friend that ‘because of us’ she is in a psychiatric hospital, self-harming, or attempting suicide. Now she is trying to destroy my creativity and kill my passion for music (claiming my music is terrible, yet constantly demanding I write a song with her and claiming she loves my music, which only shows the level of her vile hypocrisy and worse, encourages suicide and refuses to stop doing so or apologize. Instead, she tries to make us feel guilty and blames us for her self-destructive tendencies)

- Sylwester

In 2019, Nalia began mass-posting her photos on a server where I was an admin. She received a ban for this, but I defended her to the owner and unbanned her. She didn't delete those photos. She also sent them to our private messages, not just to me but to others from that server as well, and likely elsewhere too. Once she returned to that server, she joined a voice channel and started screaming. One of my friends sent her that photo then, and she left the server. I didn't send them those photos; they were always available on that server because SHE DID NOT DELETE THEM, and now she's accusing me of being a pedophile (I'm a minor) and of selling those photos to others, which I'm not doing. The truth is that Nalia is the pedophile because she undressed on camera against my will. 

- Iza

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